Employee Spotlight: Roberto Vasallo

Roberto Vasallo was engaged in marketing activities even before becoming a professional marketer. Now, he is helping to take New Source Corporation’s marketing to a higher level by combining his professional experience with his ongoing education.

Not only does Vasallo serve as the Marketing Liaison and Sales Assistant at New Source Corporation, but by night, he channels his marketing prowess into his passion for rare sneakers, sourcing and selling limited-edition releases. He’s a marketer at heart: always learning, always applying.

“We were aware of Roberto’s marketing efforts outside of work prior to him becoming our Marketing Liaison,” said Stephanie Barron, New Source Corporation’s Marketing Director and Sales Representative.

Within his first few weeks as Marketing Liaison, Vasallo had already relieved some of the workload off Barron and was introducing fresh ideas from his marketing classes. “Furthering your education is always very important, and in this case, it’s been very beneficial for both him and us as his learning and job work hand-in-hand,” Barron said.

Vasallo has proven to be a fast learner both on the job and off.

Gaining valuable experience

Vasallo has progressed through several roles since joining New Source Corporation in April 2019. Although his background was in shipping and receiving within large companies, he initially applied for a position in New Source Corporation’s quality department despite lacking industry-specific experience.

“While I applied for a quality position, New Source Corporation saw the potential fit for my skills in their warehouse operations. This shift was a significant step, allowing me to use my logistics experience effectively and eventually grow into new roles within the company,” Vasallo recalled.

Vasallo has grown as the company has expanded. A company of about a dozen employees when he started, New Source Corporation has tripled in size, reaching 36 team members between its operations in California and Florida.

Although Vasallo began in the company’s Florida warehouse, he later transitioned into the office as a Sales Assistant. “Because he already had the industry knowledge he had gained while working in the warehouse, he already knew what all the material was because he had literally been handling it,” Barron said.

“Once he was in the office, he soon became our go-to person for getting freight quotes and the right-hand man to our President, Antonia Barron, for a number of other tasks. He was very quick to assist upper management with their task list even if it was outside his normal Sales Assistant duties. When we see efforts such as that, the person becomes an ideal candidate for internal promotions,” Stephanie Barron said.

Thus, Vasallo eventually moved into the newly created Marketing Liaison position five years after he began working in the warehouse. “He’s been promoted to different positions internally because he’s expressed his interest,” Barron continued. “He’s one of those people who’s always willing and eager to step out of his comfort zone. As a growing company, it is imperative that we invest in Employees with the drive and desire to learn more.”

Elevating marketing

As the Marketing Liaison at New Source Corporation, Vasallo bridges the gap between marketing and sales. He coordinates New Source Corporation’s marketing efforts to ensure they align perfectly with its business goals and sales strategies, thereby helping the company reach its target audience more effectively.

“What drives me each day is the opportunity to contribute to our company’s growth and to see the direct impact of my work on our success and customer satisfaction. I’m constantly motivated by the dynamic challenges and the chance to test new ideas,” Vasallo said.

Whether moving from the warehouse to Sales Assistant, which he calls his proudest achievement at New Source Corporation, or transitioning from sales to marketing, Vasallo has embraced the opportunity to take on each role’s challenges.

“Adapting to new responsibilities and learning on the fly has been key. I have leaned on my deep understanding of our operations, continued my education in marketing, and regularly sought guidance from colleagues. This not only has made each transition smoother but has also made me more effective in each position, helping me contribute meaningfully to our company’s objectives,” he continued.

Vasallo values the collaborative environment at New Source Corporation most of all. “It feels great to work in a place where everyone, from top management to my peers, is accessible, supportive, and united towards a common goal,” he said.

Now that he is a professional marketer, Vasallo hopes to help move the company toward that common goal by diving deeper into digital marketing and analytics. “These tools are powerful levers for improving our customer engagement and I look forward to mastering them to drive our company forward,” he said.

Also, he continued, “Beyond my role, I want people to know that at New Source Corporation, we’re not just about business. We care deeply about our products, our customers, and our team, making New Source Corporation a great place to work.”

August 7, 2024

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